Marching band registration for the 2019-2020 season will be on-line using the UAHS 8 to18 site. Please complete as soon as possible.

Please also see the following CHECKLIST to make sure you are not missing any items required for band camp, July 4th parade, and the Disney trip.

1. Fill the Google doc registration form (link can also be found as you sign in at the beginning of the 8 to 18 marching band page)

2.  8 to 18 Registration

3. Bob Rogers travel form (only if you are going on the Disney trip and have not already completed it)

4. Payment due 7/1 (see fee schedule and payment options)

5. Summer uniform (supplied by student/family)

  • -black pants, Docker’s style
  • -black shoes (All black – this includes the laces, logos, soles, etc.)
  • -black socks
  • -black belt
  • -band polo (purchase from Boosters at family picnic on July 2nd with $25 cash or check to UA Band Boosters)

6. Yard sign (optional)

Our annual car wash fundraiser is coming up on Saturday, June 1st, 9 AM – 3 PM in the parking lot behind Monro Muffler in Tremont Center.

Each band member going to Disney is expected to participate on the day of the car wash, as is an adult from each family. Please sign up for a shift to volunteer.

Don’t miss this great opportunity – 90% of the sales go directly to the student’s travel account (the other 10% goes to buying the car wash materials.)

Please see the information letter here!

Additional details and a letter from Ty McDonald, UAMB Booster fundraising co-chair organizing the car wash, can be found under FUNDRAISING.


UAHS Band Program