colins signcolins 2jazz ensemble 4:24
The Jazz Ensemble group gathered at Colin’s Coffee to perform a selection of jazz tunes for patrons of this popular Upper Arlington coffee shop. Led by Jazz band director Kolin Redman, the performance featured several student solos and a vocal performance by Sophie Gallucci. A special thanks to Colin’s Coffee for generously hosting the event.

Uniform fittings will take place July 11-14 from 4-7pm. Please sign-up now to get your desired time.

Plus, In order to make this event run as smoothly as possible, both students and parents volunteers are needed each night. No experience is necessary and students get service hours. Sign up to Volunteer!

Don’t know the password to our Volunteer page? Contact your band teacher.
More information on Uniforms can be found here.

symphonic pan


On March 8, 2016, the UAHS Bands presented their Winter Band Concert, including several selections performed by both the Concert and Symphonic Bands. Additionally, small groups who had recently competed at the Solo and Ensemble Adjudicated Event were featured.

From the director: “We as staff are so proud of the students efforts last evening! We hope parents and guests enjoyed the accomplishments of both bands and the great work the ensembles have been doing! We are looking forward to their continued growth as we prepare for the Spring Concert!”


UAHS Band Program