2016-marching-band-concertDid you enjoy the concert on Thursday evening, Nov 4th? Did you or someone you know miss the concert?

Order your very own CD of the sounds of the 2016 Upper Arlington High School Marching Band. The concert performance was professionally recorded and is available to you. Complete this form, and send it in (with payment) with your student by FRIDAY, NOV 11th.

Congratulations to all our marching band members for a terrific 2016 season!

2016 labor day arts fest The UAHS Golden Bear Marching Band played 2 mini-concerts at the recent 2016 Upper Arlington Labor Day Arts Festival at Northam Park. Songs featured recent selections from the first football game’s halftime show and previews of music from upcoming halftime shows. Both the percussion and the trombone sections were featured, along with drum majors, Elizabeth and Rachel.

For information on other free performances this fall season, check the upper right See the Band section. And, of course, you can see them perform a new show at each home football game. Go Bears!

The site to order photos is now available. You will need the password that was distributed at Marching Band Camp (NOT the same as the password for protected pages on this site; also case-sensitive). To view a tutorial on how to best use the ordering site, click here.

If you have questions about the password or pictures, please contact Jim German. Please include your student’s name, year, and instrument in your email. There will be a make-up day scheduled for those who were absent on picture day. Stay tuned for the date and time.

All profits from the sale of band photos goes to the Band Boosters to support your band program.

UAHS Band Program