Access all these Volunteer opportunities through our Volunteer link. 

8/19 Parent drivers needed for the Blitz – 5:30-8pm

We rely on the funds raised during the Blitz (the combined UA marching band and UA Orchestra) fundraiser as our primary source of funding for the year.  We can’t do it without parent drivers.  Signup to spend 2-3 hours with your kids and their friends as you chaperone this fun event.

8/24 Volunteers needed for After-Party

This is a great way to meet other parents and spend time with the students.  This has been a tradition for years and the kids truly appreciate this social event.  Please consider offering just 2 hours of your time to volunteer.

8/31 Findlay away game-UAMB will not perform at this game

It has been determined that the band will NOT travel to the Findlay game on 8/31.  Many factors went into this decision; the primary issue being travel time (4:15 departure, rush hour traffic on 23 north, etc…).  Thank you to those who’d signed up to chaperone, we encourage you to volunteer for another activity, much help is still needed.

Labor Day Weekend

Mr. Fessler will send out a communication regarding performances for both the Golden Bear Bash and the Labor Day Arts Festival.


Sign up here to be a bus chaperone for Band Camp (Monday, July 30) and for our away games this fall. Bus Chaperones get into the game FOR FREE and see the behind-the-scenes of our Golden Bear Marching Band – and you don’t have to ride  on your child’s bus!

Band members can have their 2018 Marching season picture taken this Saturday, and we need parent volunteers to keep the process running smoothly and help the band members look great! Sign up below.

Around 10:30am is when the group band pictures will be taken, so no matter what time your individual photo is, you should plan on staying around….

Sign up to be a parent volunteer for band picture day

Sign up for a time to have your band picture taken

UAHS Band Program