Did you see a lot of clean cars traveling throughout Upper Arlington on Saturday, June 3rd? The sun couldn’t have been brighter, and our band students couldn’t have been happier or more hard working!

Thanks to all who helped make the UAHS Marching Band’s fundraising car wash a huge success, especially the parent chairs – Wanda Berk and Christine Folke. And a special shout out to the UA Fire Department for turning the hydrant water on and off, and Monro Muffler / Tremont Center for letting us utilize their parking lot.


See informational letter here. This is both an individual account AND group fund event! Earn $$ towards your trip!

Saturday, June 3rd, 9am-3pm
Monroe Muffler
2875 Tremont Rd.

Students and parents need to sign up to volunteer here. Each band member going to the Fiesta Bowl is expected to participate on the day of the car wash as well as an adult from each family. Band members will sell pre-sell car wash tickets. The money from the pre-sale tickets will go into the students individual travel account. Any tips or car washes sold the day of the car wash will be distributed pro-rata to the members participating based on shifts worked on June 3 at the car wash. We understand if you have a previous commitment, but it will take all of us to make this a success! If you are unable to help the day of the car wash, email us to let us know as we will need help distributing flyers around UA.

UAHS Band Program