We encourage you to use the Remind app for real-time updates from Mr. Fessler. Text uamb4 to 81010.  Band members will also be added to the GroupMe chats coordinated by the squad leaders. Squad leaders are responsible for communicating directly with their squad, as last-minute changes sometimes occur.

The boosters tries to keep the calendar on the website current (particularly for events involving families).  You can ‘subscribe’ to it so that events will be added to your phone.  The Boosters will also share events in the weekly newsletter.

This update was emailed on o7/14/2021. Events noted below have been added to the calendar.

Pre-band-camp dates are July 26-30 at UAHS Hastings. The schedule follows:

  • July 26: leadership day (only squad leaders and leadership team members should attend)
  • July 27, 8:00 am-noon: new marchers (freshmen and new band members should attend; sophomores are encouraged to attend)
  • July 28, 8:00 am-noon: all band members attend
  • July 29, 8:00 am-noon: all band members attend
  • July 30: PICTURE DAY in FULL UNIFORM for all band members. Students should be prepared for a group photo at 9:00 am; UAHS band room and uniforms will be available at 8:00 so students can get into uniform. After the group photo, sectional photos will follow as well as individual photos. Individual photos are optional, but please note that this is when senior photos are taken for banners and for the football program.

Please note that the mandatory accessories (such as the plume, gloves, and spats) for the full uniform will be sold July 27-29. These will be needed for picture day so please bring some cash to pre-band-camp if you need these items (freshmen and sophomores).

Band camp dates are Aug 2-7 at UAHS with some sessions at Tremont. Aug 2-6, band camp will start at 8:30 am with students expected to be ready to play at that time, so they should plan to be there prior to 8:30 am. The Band Boosters will provide lunch each day. Official band camp activities end at 8:00 pm. Snacks will be provided, and while dinner will not be provided most evenings, squad leaders will plan section dinners (going to restaurants or carrying out food, e.g.) for the students. On Friday, Aug 6, dinner will be provided for all students. At 8:30 pm, evening activities, some of which may be off-site, will occur until 10:00 pm Monday-Thursday and until 11:00 pm Friday. These evening activities are not mandatory but are strongly encouraged and provide a great opportunity for the kids to get to know each other and bond as a band. The band directors and parent volunteers are working hard to make this week as close to “normal” band camp for the kids despite not being able to hold band camp off-site this year.

A sign-up genius will be provided for parent volunteers as extra hands will be needed at lunch time and in the evenings.

On Aug 7, students will perform for the parents in the UAHS stadium. The performance will be at 3:00 pm. Prior to that, students will be continuing with band camp activities/practices, but the start time is still to be determined.


Another important activity in August is the Car Wash fundraiser. This is scheduled for Aug 14 and will be held at the UA municipal center. Students should plan to sell tickets and help with the car wash.


Show your support of your UA band member with a fabulous yard sign! Signs are $50 and will be delivered to your home.

If you are interested in purchasing a sign, you need to do two things: email Carrie Narcelles  (cnarcelles@hotmail.com) AND send a check for $50 to Upper Arlington Band Boosters P.O. Box 218291 Columbus Ohio 43221

Please email Carrie Narcelles and put “yard sign” in the subject line. In the body of the message please type your student’s name exactly as you would like it to appear on the sign. You can choose first and last name, only first name, nickname, etc., just please be sure to type it exactly as you want it to appear on the sign.

Orders are due August 1st so that signs can arrive in time for the start of the school year.


New/8th grade families should get the Remind app downloaded to get real-time updates from Mr. Fessler. Text uamb4 to 81010. New band members will also be added to the GroupMe chats coordinated by the squad leaders.

Band fees this year will be $250; note that this is a significant reduction from most years because of the reduced costs for band camp. However, some costs are still to be determined, so a supplemental fee may be required later in the year. While this year is likely to be much better overall than last year, there are still many question marks, so we appreciate your patience on this. Payments should be made by check (please include your child’s first and last name in the memo line and make checks payable to UA Band Boosters) and mailed to: Upper Arlington Band Boosters P.O. Box 218291 Columbus, OH 43221.

July 22-25 are Uniform Fittings Days

The school provides the uniforms, the student is responsible for accessories. All students must sign up for a slot to to be fitted for their marching uniform*.  Adult helpers are needed to mend and hem.  Student volunteers are needed too. Sign up for your time slot here .  Please bring cash or checks for:

  • Gloves  $ 3.00 / Suspenders  $ 5.00 / Spats  $ 9.00
  • Beret  $ 16.00 ***these are only for sousaphone players and possibly Drum Majors***
  • Summer Uniform shirts will also be available for $25.00
  • Plume  $ 15.50

(* Seniors are fitted the first night (Monday), then Juniors (Tuesday), then Sophomores (Wednesday), then Freshmen (Thursday). If you cannot make your class time slot please contact Mr Easton at 614/774-6057. The make-up uniform day will be scheduled sometime after school starts).  Additional information about the uniform and accessories can be found in this document (Uniform Information).

July 26th, Friday, is Picture Day

The students will assemble at the high school for photos in the morning.  Students are asked to be at the school at 8:15, they will put on the uniforms and report to the gym for group photos which will begin at 8:30.  Jim German, a former band parent, is a professional photographer and volunteers his time each year to take group and individual photos.  All families will have the opportunity to purchase photo packages (including buttons), a link to the photos and instructions on how to order will be sent.  There is no obligation to purchase.  Want to help with picture day, click here 

UAHS Band Program