Dinner/Senior Serenade

Tuesday, April 27th, 6-9:30pm

Amelita Mirolo Barn, 4395 Carriage Hill Lane

Skit/Karaoke/Activity Night

Friday, April 30th 7-9:30pm

Whetstone Shelterhouse, 3901 N. High Street

RSVPs for both events will be via SignUpGenius.  Attendance for the Dinner and Senior Serenade will be quite limited (likely seniors and some juniors) due to COVID distancing requirements.  Classes will RSVP one at a time until slots are filled.  Students, please watch for messages and emails for sign-ups. Senior sign-ups are already open and will be solely open for seniors until Thursday, April 8th when they will open for the junior class.  We will then open for sophomores followed by freshmen.

Senior parents, we will need volunteers for each event to assist with set up, safe serving of food and drinks, and clean-up. Please email Tina Charles-Beery at charlestina23@yahoo.com if you are interested in helping.

UAHS Band Program