Band Fees now accepted
This year’s band fees are $395.00. These fees help cover expenses associated with the marching band such as band camp, clinicians, halftime drill writing, uniform maintenance, spreads/refreshments, after parties, and banquets. Fees are due by the first day of band camp, August 7. If you have questions or need an extension for this payment, please contact one of the booster treasurers at the emails below. Please contact Mr. Fessler if the marching band fees present a financial hardship.

Fees payment methods:
Cash/Checks: We accept both large and small bills and will have a table set up to receive cash/checks at the preview event on July 2, as well as the first day of band camp on August 7. Please make checks payable to UA BAND BOOSTERS. We will cash the check as soon as possible, but please note that there may be occasional delays. Please include your student’s name on the memo line of the check.
Credit Card: Credit card payments can be made through our website now at Please be aware that there is a slightly higher cost associated with this method, approximately $407.11, as the difference covers our square fees.
When making a credit card payment on the website, please provide the following information before checking out:
Your student’s first name, last name, and grade.
If you are paying for more than one child, simply add each child to the cart separately.

If you have any questions regarding band fees, you may contact one of the following booster executive board members:

Noelle Fox (
Scott McWilliams (
Michael Geygan (

UAHS Band Program