We are adjusting the band camp schedule as we await the arrival of instrument covers, which will serve to add an extra layer of protection for the students.  You can read more about this in the following article:


Delays to the schedule are also to help accommodate for additional PPE and guidance for added student safety. 

Here is the new schedule:

There will be no pre-camp week next week.  Leaders will still have Leadership training on Thursday, July 30.

The week of August 3 will consist of the following: Monday, August 3 – First year marchers and Leaders only

Tuesday through Friday – Everybody attends with the same initial schedule posted last week.

Mr. Fessler will be following up with a letter as soon as possible.  We thank you for your flexibility and patience.

We understand how difficult this time is for everybody and we want you to know we are doing the best we can to ensure the safety of your students and everybody involved. Our goal is to provide the best experience we can despite the current circumstances. 

UAHS Band Program